Hybrid Essentials of Cosmetic Neurotoxin Part 1

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Signing your Training Agreement

Please review and sign the Complete Agreement for Medical Cosmetic Training. You will need to resign this agreement when you arrive for your in person practical.

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I attest that I have submitted my Complete Agreement for Medical Cosmetic Training. I understand and agree to all policies outlined in the agreement.”

Course Pre-Test

Please complete this knowledge assessment pretest before you begin the lecture material. This pretest is designed to assess where your current knowledge base is, so please do not use the internet, friends, coworkers, textbooks, or any resource besides your own brain to complete it. The quiz is ungraded, so we won’t judge you if you cannot answer a single question correctly 🙂 We recommend completing the pretest all in one sitting.

Anatomy Pre-Test

Please complete this anatomy pretest to test your knowledge of facial musculature. This quiz is not graded, and you only need to take it once. The goal is for you to know your own baseline and determine how much of a review of facial musculature you need.

This quiz is closed book, please do not use any resources besides your own brain to help you answer the questions.

Pre-test Quiz

Course Recorded Lecture

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Neurotoxin Post-Test

This is your final assessment for the Essentials of Cosmetic Neurotoxin Course. This is a CLOSED BOOK exam. Please do not use your notes, fellow students, the internet, textbooks, or any other resource to complete the assessment. You only need to complete the assessment once, however, we do expect you to review the answers you got wrong to look for areas of improvement. Knowing your course material will be extremely beneficial to you during your in-person clinical so it is in your best interest to review before you book it.

We recommend you complete the assessment in one sitting. Good luck!!

Anatomy Post-Test

Please complete this anatomy final assessment to test your knowledge of what you have learned with us today. This assessment is closed book, please do not use any resources to help you. You do not need to earn a perfect score to move on, however, you will be tested on you anatomical knowledge during your in person clinical so it is in your best interest as a student and future injector to memorize this knowledge. Please make a list of any questions you may have so we can address them at the start of the practical.

Pre-test Quiz

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